Michael Meadows

Oct 9, 20202 min

All My Sessions Are Belong to You

Updated: May 5, 2023

Conference Sessions

Anyone who has spent time around me knows that I get a little passionate about things. I like talking about stuff, and I like doing it to an audience. Over the last several years, I have accumulated a few talks that I you can find enumerated in my blog, but there was a time before that where I wasn't as organized.

I have recently reorganized my links and thought it would be a good time to get everything in order, and found a few that were not included. Consider this my omnibus inventory of talks.


This list isn't meant to serve as a CV, but if you're interested in the things that excite me, then it may provide some insight. The further back you go, the more out of date the material may be, but in some ways you can see the evolution of my thinking as the technology landscape moved along with me.

If you would like me to present on any of these topics, or any of my current abstracts, let me know and I will make my best effort to fulfill your request.



Git Made Simple (GMS)

Slides: https://github.com/WalkingDisaster/GMS



Innocuous Frameworks

Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1zk4QuAStqWVXeynheKztPgX8a17ecdOCmDXq7BBKeho/edit?usp=sharing


M3 Conference (Columbus, Ohio, USA)

BYOD:Securing LOB Applications on Personal Devices

Slides: https://github.com/WalkingDisaster/Presentations/tree/master/2014/M3

CloudDevelop (Columbus, Ohio, USA)

Aiming for the Clouds

Slides: https://prezi.com/sw8ryzigdogp/aiming-for-the-clouds


JavaScript: The Future of Everything

Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1hYtN0OZS43w46HEXLHZHaXjxmc2NcdOEiEwSMI4KxJI/edit?usp=sharing


CodeMash (Sandusky, Ohio, USA)

The Silver Lining: A Deep Dive into the Architecture of Distributed Databases

Slides: https://github.com/WalkingDisaster/Sessions/tree/master/2015-01_Codemash

CloudDevelop (Columbus, Ohio, USA)

Cloud on Lockdown

Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1iwyPlP2IbQ8wqhJqBlcGe7dV1GU7rUaLNibO8ifVOEE/edit?usp=sharing

Global Azure Boot Camp (Columbus, Ohio, USA)

DocumentDB & Redis

Slides & Code: https://github.com/WalkingDisaster/GABC


Stir Trek (Columbus, Ohio, USA)

Home Grown Home Automation

Slides: https://prezi.com/iy9qo56iq-i7/home-grown-home-automation

Code: https://github.com/WalkingDisaster/StirTrek


Stir Trek (Columbus, Ohio, USA)

Event-Driven UX in the Real World with Angular and Socket.io

Slides: http://m.eado.ws/s/2017/stirtrek/slides

Code: http://m.eado.ws/s/2017/stirtrek/code

CodeMash (Sandusky, Ohio, USA)

Event-Driven UX in the Real World with Angular and Socket.io
Slides: https://m.eado.ws/s/2018/codemash/socket/slides

Code: https://m.eado.ws/s/2018/codemash/socket/code

Risk Adaptive Access Control

Slides: https://m.eado.ws/s/2018/codemash/radac/slides

Code: https://m.eado.ws/s/2018/codemash/radac/code

Machine Learning Model: http://gallery.cortanaintelligence.com/Experiment/CM2018-RAdAC-Experiment


Stir Trek (Columbus, Ohio, USA)

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Distributed Applications *but were afraid to ask

Slides: http://m.eado.ws/s/2019/stirtrek/slides

Video: https://m.eado.ws/s/2019/stirtrek/video

Central Ohio Azure Meetup (Columbus, Ohio, USA)

Cosmos DB by the Firehose

Slides: https://m.eado.ws/s/2019/coazure/cosmos/slides

Code: https://m.eado.ws/s/2019/coazure/cosmos/code

External - Lambda Data Architecture: http://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/the-emerging-big-data-architectural-pattern/

Microsoft Technology Center (Detroit, Michigan, USA)

Containers and Microservices

External - Kubernetes Tutorial: http://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/aks/tutorial-kubernetes-prepare-app

External - Azure Container Instances Quick Start: http://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/container-instances/container-instances-quickstart-portal


Code PaLouSa (Louisville, Kentucky, USA)

The Ugly Side of Serverless Apps (and how to Succeed Anyway)

Slides: https://m.eado.ws/s/2020/codepalousa/slides

Video: https://m.eado.ws/s/2020/codepalousa/video


Stir Trek (Columbus, Ohio, USA)

Ignoring Null and Five Other Horrible Things Most Developers Do




